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& Consulting

Coach Melony offers coaching & consulting services. Consulting services are listed below. Consultations can be done by phone or in our offices. Coaching is primarily done via zoom. Book your consulting sessions below.


For more information on coaching programs, Click the links below

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Terms & Conditions


Program enrollment fees are listed on the our site and vary by program. Your  payment can be paid in full at one time or in installments billed monthly.


A $25 late fee will be applied to each week your balance is overdue. After four (4) weeks you will be disenrolled from the program and invoiced for your final balance.

As we offer service based program, there are no refunds issued at any time once your program has started.



Client Responsibility


Coaching client is responsible for the following:


Completing weekly assignments in a timely manner
Contacting their coach if they have issues with the assignment
Rescheduling missed appointments within a 48-hour time frame
Paying their balance on time
Utilizing the resources provided

If you must miss an appointment, it is your responsibility to contact Melony Hill Enterprises by email

( within 48 hours of missed appointment, to reschedule.


*If we cancel an appointment, we will make multiple attempts to reschedule you within a 48-hour time frame.



Termination of Contract


Melony Hill Enterprises retains the right to terminate any client’s contract who fails to live up to the responsibilities outlined above.


To be specific, your contract can be canceled for the following:


Missing your coaching sessions without rescheduling within a 48-hour time frame. (This will only be accepted once, after the first time, you will be warned of our policy. If it occurs again, you will be put on notice that your program enrollment is in danger. On the third occurrence, you will be disenrolled from your coaching program.) No refunds of payments made up until that time will be issued.

Failure to complete your assignments. We can not help you make the changes you seek if you fail to complete the work. If we notice a pattern of you showing up to your sessions unprepared, you may be disenrolled. (This will only be accepted once, after the first time, you will be warned of STMS policy. If it occurs again, you will be put on notice that your program enrollment is in danger. On the third occurrence, you will be disenrolled from your coaching program.) No refunds of payments made up until that time will be issued.

Failure to pay your balance in full. Our payment policy is listed on our website and in your invoice Terms & Conditions. 

If you’d like to end your coaching program at any time before your scheduled end date, you may. There will be a $125 cancellation fee applied to any account that chooses to end their sessions early. To be disenrolled, please inform us in writing at and we will mark your file and start the disenrollment process, including sending you an invoice for your cancellation fee.

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Privacy Policy



When you use our Products or Website, you may be asked for personally identifiable information such as your name, address, email address, and telephone number.


By giving us such information, you will need to consent by using it in the manner described in this policy.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by emailing us at We will return or destroy your personal information within five days of receipt of your withdrawal of consent.



Cookies are small data files that a website you visit may save on your computer or handheld device that usually includes an anonymous unique identifier. Our Websites and those of our Products may use cookies for user authentication, keeping track of your preferences, promotional campaigns, tracking our audience size and traffic patterns, and in certain other cases. We may include small graphic images in our email messages and newsletters to determine whether the messages were opened and the links were viewed.



All security on our Website is treated seriously. Where applicable, we undertake security steps, including use of SSL technology, on our back-end systems that store customer account information and to protect data transmissions. However, this is not a guarantee that such data transmissions cannot be accessed, altered or deleted due to firewall or other security software failures.

If you have any further concerns about security, please email our Customer Service team at

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